Purebred LiDAR Detection for all modes of transportation

A dynamic team supporting the innovative ways to blend Reality Capture, Photogrammetry, and LiDAR into architectural, engineering, and roadway construction/operations/maintenance services.

Genuine strides toward driver safety stitch multiple components. We hope to share the awakening of potential when Seyond LiDAR Falcon Prime sensors, CronAI senseEDGE perception detection software, and Blue Band Integrator-AI analytics processing software merge to provide a foundation for real-time traffic signalization and synchronization. Genesis Factor, LLC, chose to partner with companies that act on this theme with Seyond, Cron-AI, & Blue Band Integrator-AI. Each with diverse specialty and talent. LiDAR technology has been established for decades. LiDAR test beds are deployed across the nation.  Assessment of individual facets can potentially provide a narrow view. Strides in manufacturing & ease of installation make LiDAR more appealing than conventional inductive loop systems. A non-intrusive design compliment decorative pavement & metro transit locations in the center island.   Perception Detection software Specifically, senseEDGE processing (the ability to filter data and the ability to define which data is filtered) is defined with a mouse. Unique bicycle, pedestrian crosswalk, & irregular detection zones are easily configured or modified.

 LiDAR data sensing and retrieval are just the initial steps of our core program.  Or to phrase another way, our program continues to build with the objective of interlacing V2X into traffic patterns. V2X will input/output (real-time) with the field deployed equipment. 

The Integrator-AI SPM+ software release moves a giant step forward.  The fundamentals of cycles, offset, & splits are no longer the dominant theme of signalization.  This software is keenly aware (and processing viewed) through the individual motorist’s activity.  Processing inputs, from diverse sources, delivers advantageous outputs for each commuter.

Welcome to "True Movement" by Blue-Band-Integrator-AI SPM+

Utilizing zones for continuous, anonymous tracking of vehicle and vulnerable road user trajectories, we’re aligning with USDOT Vision Zero initiatives – accounting for all modes of commuters and associated travel behaviors. The days of relying solely on point detection are gone forrever. Our innovative process, **”True Movement,”** offers a high-definition look at traveler behavior as they approach, navigate, and leave intersections.

This leap forward was incubated from Vision Zero initiatives. Integrator-AI seamlessly integrates with any device, including sensors, traffic controllers, and Linux-based systems. Features can be deployed at every signalized intersection, creating an equitable and scalable transportation system.

Highlights of True Movement with Integrator-AI SPM+:

Continuous, High-Definition Tracking – Monitor and understand every movement in and around intersections.

Seamless Integration – Compatible with a wide range of devices, enhancing existing infrastructure without the need for complete overhauls.

Edge Computing Advantage – All features, metrics, and reporting are handled at the edge, (no reliance on cloud or Internet access), safeguarding critical infrastructure.

Experience in Lidar Technology Integration – Leading the way in incorporating LiDAR into traffic systems, offering an adaptable system.

Integrator-AI software is  developed and coded in the USA, showcasing American ingenuity and innovation.

Join us in our mission to make every intersection as safe and efficient as possible. The Integrator-AI is more than a connectivity solution. It’s the answer to intelligent transportation analytics, leaving yesterday’s fixed-time and induction loops in the rear-view mirror.

Industry Partners

Cron AI
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